Our Programs


Children learn through play. Our preschool classroom has equipped with a wide variety of resources that will help children continue to develop their gross and fine motor skills, to embark curiosities of play and learning. Each day, our Preschoolers will have thirty minutes of French language learning, and another thirty minutes of Mandarin language learning. We hope it’ll be a nice surprise when your little one speaks to you, “ Bonjour” and “Ni Hao”!


Toddlers are at a beautiful stage that everything appears fresh and mysterious. They like to explore, to try, and to disagree. During this stage, lots of trial and errors happen, and that’s absolutely the beauty of this age. In our toddlers classroom, we strive to stimulate children’s curiosity, follow their interests, and promote empathy and self-regulation through these early years.

Outdoor Sports

Our children spend a great amount of time outdoors. We will have coaches and instructors come to the centre, working with our children in kids sports such as kids Zumba, kids Yoga, kids soccer, and many many more.