Waitlist Form
Thank you for your interest in adding your name to our waiting list.
Waitlist Policy
Please note the following:
There is no fee charged to be added to the waiting list.
If there are any changes to your contact information please contact the centre to update your file.
Children are categorized on the list based on the date of initial contact and the type of care required (Toddler, Preschool). Priority spots are given to siblings of current Jenny’s Child Care and Play Centre families, and family referrals.
We are usually able to contact families 4-6 weeks before any given space. When a spot becomes available, parents are contacted in order to the placement on the waitlist and have 48 hours to respond. If a parent denies the spot the next parent on the list will be contacted until the spot is accepted.
Once your child is officially offered a space, you will be required to provide a one-time registration fee and a deposit of $500. The deposit will be held until the child withdraws from the program and will be returned in full after the final month's payment has cleared.
A childcare spot is guaranteed once the enrollment process is completed and the deposit fee is paid.